Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Journey of Firsts.

Journey of Firsts.

Hello from a nearby café, cappuccino in hand! For the first time, I feel like orientation and complete newness is coming to an end and routine and habits are somewhat taking its place. 

Although I promised myself I would never take the scenery or the gelato here for granted; I will say that gaining this sense of regularity is very much welcomed.

Top 3 journeys this week:

1. Thursday we took a hike down the cliff of Orvieto and up the cliff of Capuchin.  We journeyed to a local Monastery and spent the afternoon eating at a table that much-resembled Aslan’s table from Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.  I will definitely be going hiking there again, next time making certain that my camera battery is charged and my sense of direction is improved.

2. This past weekend, we left bright and early for an excursion to Assisi, where Saint Francis of Assisi spent much of his life.  There were three big tests during this time in Assisi... 1. Realizing that my blue/frozen hands were not the focus, but learning about the life of Saint Francis and viewing the paintings of his life was.   2.  Being thankful for my food even though it was being eating in the rain and was being more and more moistened the longer I spent chewing.  3.  Enjoying the landscapes during the car ride, rather than thinking about Margee throwing up out the window next to me.  Alright I’m done being a downer because although these tests were tough, Assisi was full of sights, historic events, and information.  We were able to go to San Damiano (the church Saint Francis rebuilt), and the Basilica di San Francesco where we saw brilliant works of the famous painter Chiatto.  I also learned so much about Saint Francis and how he was not only willing, but greatly preferred to dedicate His life for the Lord’s use.  I admire this and desire this so much.

3. For dinner one night we split up into groups of five and went to a local Italian’s house.   It was really great to be a part of the family life here even if for just a night.  I loved learning about the traditions that are distinct to this country, and the values that the families here hold.  Conversation was a bit humorous though, due to the butchered Italian on our end, and the attempt at English on theirs.  I’m pretty sure if someone were to observe our meal they may have thought we were playing a game of gestures, rather than having a conversation. The meal came to a close with me spilling their treasured wine, made in memory of their dead grandma, all over the table.  Believe it or not, we were still invited back for another meal.  Wish the klutz in me luck!

This has also been a week of firsts…

1. The first time I’ve worn a snuggie to class.  (I’d be a liar if I was to say that this has not become my class uniform.)

2. The first time I've celebrated Womans Day (a holiday in Italy where they celebrate woman.
  America…at least think about it?)

 3. The first time I've received a bouquet of flowers from a stranger. (No, not because I’m anything extraordinary, but because I am a woman and it was woman’s day hah.)

4. The first time I've attended a dance party with a 50 year old DJ’ing. 

5. The first time I've nearly been kicked out of a Cathedral.  (Who would have thought talking too much about the paintings was a crime?)

6.  The first time I have seriously considered Art Therapy as a profession. 

7.  The first time I've had a hot dog and corn pizza.

Well this is getting long again.  But to end, I guess I should say that I'm having trouble with this whole blogging thing because its all about me, and completely one-sided.  And quite honestly I’m kinda sick of hearing myself (or I guess reading myself?) So family or friends (if you’re reading), I’d love a quick facebook message or email with updates on your lives.  I miss you all!

God is good and prayer is powerful.  

Here is a quote I love said by Saint Francis, 'Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood but to understand; to be loved as to love.'
-St. Francis

My room.

2 minutes from our place.

The church I go to.
My chair at Aslan's table :)

Skinny Roads.

Orvieto from the place we hiked.

See the Duomo?

One side of the city.
Church of Saint Francis.

Chiao for now!


  1. WOW, these pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!! Seriously, I can't even handle it... so, so great.

    It's exciting to read about and see some of the AMAZING places God's leading you!!!!

    Miss you, love you, praying for you!

    ps. love the st. francis quote- thanks for sharing!!!

  2. Love the depth of field in the picture "Skinny Roads" Very nice job.
