Looking down at the clouds from Orvieto. Alright. I’m officially a blog slacker so here’s my attempt at summing up the past few weeks… There’s a lot to say but to save you from boredom I’m just going to pick the top 3 things that have changed since I last posted. -I finished my Art History class and started my drawing class. Yesterday was the first day and it started off with cake, coffee, and drawing out in town. It should be a good month. - A group of four of us traveled to Cinque Terre for the weekend. Cinque Terre is a series of 5 towns right along the coast, about 5 hours from Orvieto. We took the train there and spent the weekend hiking between towns and enjoying the beaches. Some of the things that stand out from this trip are: staying the night in a pink farm with the cutest little Italian couple, hiking in my sperries/socks for 6 hours due to my lack of ability to pack my gym shoes, and experiencing my first hostel stay. If you haven’t heard of Cinque Terre you should google it because I can guarantee that you will want to go there before you die. I’m tempted to say its one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. -My aunt and cousin came to visit this past week for their spring break ☺ They left yesterday and the reality of the homework I neglected has hit hard. But it was worth it because it was great to see them and exciting to show them around my new home away from home. We decided to go away this past weekend to Rome where we toured all the “must see’s” like the pantheon, coliseum, trevi fountain, and Spanish steps. We also added some of our own “must see’s” like H&M, the outdoor market, the gelato man, and the world’s most chic McDonalds. The weathers getting nicer, strangers are becoming good friends, and Orvieto is feeling much more like home. I leave again for Rome this Thursday, this time for drawing class. I’ll try to be better at blogging, but until then I hope all is well! "I have found it very important in my own life to try to let go of my wishes and instead to live in hope. I am finding that when I choose to let go of my sometimes petty and superficial wishes and trust that my life is precious and meaningful in the eyes of God something really new, something beyond my own expectations begins to happen for me." -Henri Nouwin |
The farm we stayed at. |
Horse at the farm. |
On our hike that went much longer than planned. |
At one of the towns in Cinque Terre |
The town at Sunset. |
I don't like cats, but I thought this was cute. |
Aunt Sal and Allison visiting :) |
I am so jealous you went to Cinque Terre! I've been wanting to go there for years!! I'll send you an e-mail soon! Miss you gil :)